Team picture with FE11 on the Michigan International Speedway

FRUCD Competes in Michigan!

June 2024 Newsletter

The 2024 FSAE competition has ended with successful results for our team! For the first time since 2019, we have passed all technical inspections and competed in all four events. Last year we ranked second to last, but this year has set an upward trajectory with our team ranking 22 out of 79 teammates. Congratulations to all team members for their hard work this year paying off! We have improved so much over the past year and we greatly look forward to what our next competition has in store.

FE11 at the starting line for the acceleration event in Michigan
FE11 at the starting line for the acceleration event
Team picture with FE11 at the team paddock
Team takes a picture at the paddock before dynamic events

Note that our participation in the endurance event was not completed due to an issue with the hard brake system plausibility device, or hard BSPD, which is a safety system that prevents the driver from accelerating and braking simultaneously. This system faulted erroneously which stopped the car with no way to reset. Here is a breakdown of our final results.

Overall: 22nd

Design: 34th

Cost: 6th

Business: 38th

Acceleration: 17th

Skidpad: 13th

Autocross: 7th

Official Results Here

Graduated Seniors Team Photo
Graduated seniors in their cap and gowns

We are wrapping up the season with a bittersweet ending as we say goodbye to our graduating seniors. We will greatly miss their hard work and commitment throughout the years. Congratulations to all the graduating seniors on our team and the team wishes you the best of luck in your future endevours.

With this season coming to an end, we’d like to extend a final thank you to all our sponsors, advisors, and alumni for their support. It has been integral in shaping this team into what it is today. We can’t wait to see the improvement next season will bring.